We will be posting resources and strategies that some of our clients might use. You are welcome to give it a try. If you have a strategy that is helpful, send it to us and we will post it.

Neuro-strategies for School Aged Children
New Approaches School Based Program – Neuro-strategies for School Aged Children When my son was 5 years old, he was put on his first behavioral plan in his kindergarten class and was kicked off the bus 3 times that year. I was both devastated and very concerned. Were we horrible parents? What was wrong with my child? This began the path down the road of ADHD for my son and our family. I remember sitting

Sensitivity To Light
Sensitivity To Light Problem – Sensitivity to light is a common problem in concussion. People go from their home or office and go into the bright outside light and suddenly their headache starts or gets worse. Riding in a car is also a strong trigger for headaches. This is especially true in the Spring and Winter seasons as the sun flashes thru trees as you are moving. Standard sun glasses are not that helpful. Strategy

MEMORY STRATEGY – How to keep from losing car keys.
MEMORY STRATEGY Problem – Many people report a frequent problem of losing car keys. They put the keys down in the house but can’t remember where they put them. This then leads to a long and frustrating search of the house. Strategy – Car keys can only exist in three places: 1) In the car ignition, 2) In your pocket or purse, and 3) On the night stand near your bed. They can not touch